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I'd like to sponsor:


Name: Thala Joseph

Age: 16 years old

Gender: Female

Center: Bethel Educational Center

Child ID: HTI-BEC-201009054


You can sponsor Thala by clicking the Sponsor me button below. NOLBF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Federal EIN # 26-4808741. Contributions to NOLBF are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Thala lives in Cerca-la-Source, Haiti. She is 16 years old and is currently in 4th grade. Your sponsorship allows the staff of Bethel Educational Center to provide Thala with free education, educational materials and uniforms, bible teaching, medical care, food and clean water. Please remember Thala in your prayers. Your love and support will help her receive the assistance she needs to grow and develop.



Community and Country Information: 


Cerca-la-Source is a district in the Centre Department of Haiti. It has approximately 83,000 residents. Typical houses are constructed of wood floors, mud or brick walls and cement or tin roofs. The most commonly spoken language is Creole. Common health problems in this area include malaria, the flu and diarrhea. Most adults in Cerca-la-Source are unemployed but some work as animal herders, subsistence farmers or on plantations and earn the equivalent of $40 per month. This community needs employment opportunities, schools and educational materials.

Haiti occupies the western third of the island of Hispaniola in the Caribbean. A mix of mountains, valleys, lakes, seashores and rivers gives Haiti varied weather conditions. About two-thirds of the terrain is unsuitable for farming. Haiti is one of the most densely populated and poorest countries in the world. Most Haitians are subsistence farmers who cultivate small plots of land around their mud-and-thatch homes. Most speak Creole, but their official language is French. Catholicism is the major religion, but Voodoo, practiced by roughly half the population, was recognized as an official religion in 2003. 




Center Information: 


Bethel Educational Center was founded in 2014 by the No Orphan Left Behind Foundation (NOLBF). This center was created as part of NOLBF Operation Schools of Hope Haiti and in response to God’s call to care for the orphan. This center is located in Cerca-la-Source, Haiti. The mission of our Bethel Educational Center is to provide free, Christ-centered education to orphans and vulnerable children at all levels (kindergarten to High School). To learn more about Operation Schools of Hope click here.


Sponsor Thala Today!

The cost to sponsor Thala is just $30 per month. When you sponsor a child, you can exchange letters, photos and prayers. You can even choose to visit the child you sponsor during one of our mission trips to Haiti. You can change a child's life from one of hardship and loneliness to one of hope and meaning. You have the opportunity to literally bring the love of Christ to a child in need. Will you give this child that blessing? Will you sponsor this child? Make her part of your family and help her reach her God-given potential. Sponsor Thala today!

"...and whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes Me."

- Matthew 18:5

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